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Client HelpAge International
Donor Irish Aid
Country Tanzania, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique
Service Formative Evaluation
Sector Health, Social Protection, Policy Advocacy
Period August 2014 – December 2014
Consultants Allan Rukwaro, and Lilian Bosibori

The Better Health for Older People in Africa Programme aims to improve access to health and care services for 387,763 poor older women, men and their households in four countries- Ethiopia, Tanzania, Mozambique and Zimbabwe. The programme is premised on the principle that the right to health is for people of all ages and hence it is unacceptable that many older people in Africa do not enjoy this right. In its design the programme acknowledges the linkage and interplay between ill health and poverty, recognizing that ill health is both a result of poverty, and a cause of poverty. Therefore, by improving access to health and care services the programme is intended to make older people less vulnerable to both illness and poverty. Through local, national and regional advocacy mostly driven by older people themselves, the programme will also improve accountability by the duty bearers including policy and decision makers as well as service providers.

The expected outcome is that older men and women will have improved access to age-appropriate health and HIV services by the end of the 3-years programme. Towards this outcome, the programme is expected to achieve 5 outputs namely:

  1. Training curricula developed and 1,718 health care workers trained on age-appropriate health and HIV services
  2. 1,425 Home Based Carers (HBC) are trained and 12,832 older people receive community and home-based care
  3. Technical and policy support provided in the four countries for greater access to social protection and health entitlement
  4. Older People trained to monitor and advocate locally for access to health, HIV and care services and entitlements
  5. HIV and social protection policies and strategies in the four countries and within the region include recommendations made by the programme.

The purpose of the baseline survey was to assess the pre-interventional situation in regard to specific areas of programme focus as represented in the logical framework. The findings of the baseline survey will serve as the base measurement of the key indicators of the programme, against which changes due to programme interventions will be assessed.

The scope of the assessment was limited to the output level of the programmes results framework with the understanding that a follow-up baseline, for the outcome indicators, would be conducted using HelpAge’s Health Outcomes Tool (HOT). Nevertheless, a lot of the findings gathered during this assessment provide useful insights far beyond the planned scope such as examining the contextual premise that informed the design of the programme.