Formative and Summative Studies
End Term Evaluation of the CRISS Plus Project
University of Nairobi has been implementing the Central Kenya Response Integration, Strengthening and Sustainability Project (CRISS+ Project) for the last five years (2017-2022) which is funded by President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) through the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention (CDC). The project supports HIV prevention, care and treatment activities implemented in 78 sites in Kiambu, Kirinyaga, Embu and Tharaka Nithi Counties through collaborations with County Departments of Health through the County Health Management Teams (CHMTs); Hospital and Health Facility Management Teams (H/HFMTs); and Community Health Units, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), LVCT Health, Kiambu People Living with HIV/AIDS (KIPEWA) and Hope World Wide Kenya (HWWK). The overarching goal is to build the capacity of the public health response in the four counties to achieve and maintain universal access to high quality HIV prevention, care, and treatment services, with particular focus on county- ownership, integration within broader health and developmental context, through an evidence based, cost-effective and sustainable model of care. Read more.
HSNP (Phase I) Learning Documentation Social Protection Rights Component in Mandera, Wajir, Turkana and Marsabit
The five year project was implemented in April 2007 to March 2012. HelpAge International was one of the partners implementing the Government of Kenya led and DFID-financed project. In phase I, the Social Protection Rights Component of the project was implemented by HelpAgein the four counties. The role of HelpAge in the project was to; 1) Design a Charter of Programme Rights, 2) Complaints and Grievances system, 3) Implement an outreach programme and provide a “programme Complaints Adjudication and Referral” function and 4) Work closely with secretariat to operate and effectively link with the HSNP Management Information System (MIS) to ensure that the MIS includes the registration, enrolment and case management information and dispute adjudication, tracking of referral and resolution of complaints so as to enable the smooth monitoring of project progress. The project was directly implemented at the local county level by the following partner agencies in the other Counties; Pastoralist Integrated Support Programme (PISP) in Marsabit, District Pastoralist Association (DPA) in Wajir and Rural Agency for Community Development and Assistance (RACIDA) and Horn of Africa Women Empowerment Network Kenyan Agency (HAWENKA) in Mandera. Read more
Gender Advocacy Strategy Development- Coffee VC for the Gender and Generational Empowerment Project in Tanzania
Hivos together with Twin & Twin Trading Limited through funding from Comic Relief are working with Vuasu Cooperative Union (VCU) in Same, Kilimanjaro region. Vuasu Cooperative Union, like many East African coffee POs, faces two main challenges: Read more
End-term evaluation for the “Strengthening Rural Health Systems for improved Maternal and Child Health” project implemented in Narok County, Kenya
Christian Aid in collaboration with the Narok county government, the Narok Integrated Development Programme (NIDP), Transmara Rural Development Programme (TRDP) and Christian Health Partners (CHP), have been implementing the project “Strengthening Rural Health Systems for improved Maternal and Child Health project in Narok County, Kenya” since January 2013 and ended in December 2016. Read more
To conduct baseline study for the Resilience and Economic Growth in Arid Lands – Improving Resilience (REGAL – IR) and Resilience and Economic Growth in Arid Lands – Accelerated Growth (REGAL – AG) projects in Isiolo, Garissa, Wajir, Marsabit and Turkana Counties in Kenya
The REGAL -IR project is a five year initiative aiming to reduce hunger and poverty, increase social stability and build strong foundations for economic growth by strengthening social, economic, and environmental resilience in pastoral and transitioning communities in Kenya’s arid lands. Read more
To conduct baseline study for the Resilience and Economic Growth in Arid Lands – Improving Resilience (REGAL – IR) and Resilience and Economic Growth in Arid Lands – Accelerated Growth (REGAL – AG) projects in Isiolo, Garissa, Wajir, Marsabit and Turkana Counties in Kenya
The REGAL -IR project is a five year initiative aiming to reduce hunger and poverty, increase social stability and build strong foundations for economic growth by strengthening social, economic, and environmental resilience in pastoral and transitioning communities in Kenya’s arid lands. Read more
To conduct End Term Evaluation (ETE) of the Bomet Water Sanitation and Hygiene Project
Universal access to safe water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) is crucial for the elimination of poverty, and underpins all aspects of social, economic, and sustainable development. It is estimated that at least 783 million people still lack access to improved drinking water sources and, with 2.4 billion people still lacking access. Read more
To conduct quantitative data collection for the girls in-school and out of school education project in Kwale.
Build Africa is receiving funding from Comic Relief (“Changing Future for Girls”) and from the Big Lottery Fund (“The Wasichana Project”) to support two projects tackling the problems facing girls in accessing a quality education in Kwale County. Read more
To conduct Baseline Assessment for the Better Health for Older People in Africa Programme in Tanzania, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique
The Better Health for Older People in Africa Programme aims to improve access to health and care services for 387,763 poor older women, men and their households in four countries- Ethiopia, Tanzania, Mozambique and Zimbabwe. Read more
Annual Outcome Evaluation of the Boost Community Platform
Sabin, in their previous work identified that immunisation professionals play a vital role in delivering one of the world’s most powerful health interventions: vaccines. Yet, they are faced with a number of challenges which are summarised in three broad categories; 1) isolation (not having channels to communicate with peers working in other locations), 2) burn out and fatigue which leads to high turnover and 3) complex environments with ambiguous targets and little resources to achieve them. Read more.
Third Party Monitoring and Evaluation
Design of Akina Mama wa Afrika's Theory of Change
Akina Mama wa Afrika (AMwA) is a feminist-Pan-African leadership development organisation that was founded in 1985 by a group of visionary African women in the United Kingdom but later relocated to Africa with headquarters in Kampala, Uganda. To read more about Akina Mama wa Afrika Click here. Evidence Frontiers facilitated the design of Akina Mama wa Afrika's Theory of Change. To access the final Theory of Change, click here.
Organisation & Capacity Development
Training on Lobby and Advocacy Strategies for Civil Society Organisations in Kwale County
COVAW works to address gender based violence (GBV) in various forms. COVAW has expanded its programs to include commercial sexual exploitation of children and child trafficking. These programs target community members, duty bearers, civil society groups and private actors to change policies, guidelines, attitudes, and practices to these violations of women and girls. Read more