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Human Rights

Open letter: Donors and supporters must act to ensure civil society resilience against COVID-19 pandemic

Dear civil society donors and supporters,

As the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic unfolds, civil society organizations across the world are taking proactive measures to protect the health and well-being of their staff and partners. This includes necessary shifts in strategy, reprioritization, and adjustments in programming and outreach. At the same time, civil society infrastructure is under visible and immense financial pressure. Projects have been postponed, deliverables delayed and energies diverted to making alternative plans.  Major events have been cancelled at significant financial loss.

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The Hidden Life of Theories of Change

Theory of Change is thought to be very useful for learning and adaptive management of complex interventions such as advocacy. Nevertheless, the use of Theory of Change is also under critique. One common criticism is that Theory of Change is often used as a framework that fixes agreements rather than as a living, guiding tool that helps reflection and adaptation. However, while such criticism stresses forms of control, little research has looked at the way Theory of Change and advocacy practice relate.Read More »The Hidden Life of Theories of Change