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Brian Nyamache
Head: Social Policy & Impact (Full time)

Brian joined Evidence Frontiers (EF) in 2019 in the capacity of Regional Adviser- Social Policy and Impact. Prior to joining Evidence Frontiers, he worked as a Research Assistant at Mzalendo Trust, a non-partisan entity that keeps an eye on the Kenyan Parliament with a mission to facilitate public participation in parliamentary processes through information sharing and research. At Mzalendo Trust he also led the 2018/2019 Hansard review and Scorecard review processes that focused on examining performance of peoples’ representatives in Parliament for both the Senate and National Assembly. Brian is the founder of the Public Policy Lab, a space for students studying public policy. Housed at Kenyatta University, the Lab provides an interdisciplinary forum for discussions on issues of public policy, contemporary governance, and ways of engaging citizens in designing their own pathway out of poverty. The Lab collaboratively engages a large ecosystem of actors from the public sector, private sector & civil society in addressing practical policy issues relevant to solving social problems. Through this, the lab envisions to inform, change attitudes, and increase public trust and confidence in policymaking. In youth development, he has supported youth led organisations in conceptualizing and designing partnership models, designing Theory of Change for youth programs, and overseeing the implementation of the programs.

Brian believes that it is through evidence-informed policymaking that we are able to demonstrate accountability in policy decisions. His vision is to influence the current decision-making landscape in Kenya and championing for the culture of evidence use in government to improve citizens’ lives and changing the way the government responds to citizen’s needs.